Smile Reader is so simple to use! You download the app on your phone, take the test and snap a photo! The app tracks everything for you! It does not track just your LH either! You can track your BBT and your periods! It also has a neat feature that if your partner has the app too it will let them know when you are ovulating as well! The app is so easy to navigate and it just make TTC a bit simpler!
I have not gotten to use it much yet but it really is making our journey so much easier! It tells me when it is time to take my next text and the in depth instructions tells me down to what time of day I should test!
you can get yours on Amazon
You can also check out the free starter kit here!
Wishing you lots of baby dust!
** please note that this product was provided by Smile reader through BSM Media free of charge in exchange for my honest opinions. I was not paid to add a link in either! I added simply to make your life easier in finding the product for yourself!