This post is a few days late for grandparents day, but why just one day. If you where not aware about grandparents day it is a day just like mothers day or dads day but for grandma and grandpa! While we dont really celebrate it, I love the idea of it! I have a very close relationship with my grandparents. Especially my moms parents. They are like a second mom and dad to me.
this month candlewick press has sent me and my small human a collection of books in celebration of grandma and grandpa.

I will start with my Favorite one, which happens to be called Our Favorite Day. The day to day routine can be pretty regular. We all have routine. This grandpa is no different from us. Except thursday. Thursday is a special day because while he follows his routine of morning tea, his day deviates slightly when he gets his normal lunch order, but doubled and to go home. In the afternoon his granddaughter arrives. They eat, they craft they laugh and this is their favorite day.

The next one on this list of books about grandparents is My Grandma and Me. This book tells you all about the day to day adventures of a young girl and the grandma that she idolizes so much. She does everything with her. She prays with her, she eats with her. This book is a wonderful book and I think I was so fond of this one because it reminds me of how my grandma helped to shape me. She is the reason I have such a close bond with God, the reason I know how to cook and the reason for so much else. This book is really a wonderful book for grandmas and granddaughters to read together!

Around the Table that Granddad Built is the third book on this list. This book covers traditions, and family history. This book starts all with a table that granddad built, and goes to the history of the glassware , and silverware, and last but not least the cooking that seems to be an annual tradition for this family! I love this one because traditions are so important to me. I love teaching my children some of my family traditions that we do every year. These are things that I hope one day down the line they will teach their kids.

The last book in this collection I saved for last because well honestly it made me cry. While I am sure hormones of pregnancy had a strong role in aiding the tears, Grandpa's Top Threes subtly covers topics such as the aging of our elders and even the passing. Grandpa is busying himself, and Henry is talking trying to bond with grandpa when finally he asks grandpa about his top three sandwiches. That just sparks it, and leads to grandpa asking Henry about certain top threes. I wont say much more on this book for I fear if I do I will just give it away, This book reminds us all that our elders should be treasured!