she never smoked, she never drank. She always took care of herself. she was always on the go from raising my mom and my uncle to me and my sister.She stressed but she never let on to us kids that she was stressed. she walked her dogs everyday( well almost everyday) she worked everyday up until she retired and she always managed to be home before us kids got out of school and she always had dinner on the table by the time grandpa got home from work. She bakes and cooks Delicious food ( no one, not even Italian grandmas can beat her lasagna). Hell she makes Liver and Onions taste delicious. Her and my grandfather rode Motorcycles until I was in my early twenties and yes she rode her own bike! She is the kind of Wife and mother I strive to be. I really hope one day when my kids and grand kids look back at me they think God she had one hell of a role model for her to turn out so awesome.
However on March 3 her world, along with everyone else's world got turned upside down. "your grandma has cancer." I just froze. I didn't know what to do. I just started crying. I asked my mom about 50 questions right away even though no one knew anything yet other than it was breast cancer. We waited, We did for two months. finally surgery day came and went, now she is doing chemo and she is fighting the fight. She is refusing to let this stop her. Thankfully hers was caught fairly early. but none the less it is still cancer and still needs to be fought.

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