What is your first thought when you think about being human??
Mine is that we are all just that Human. No matter where we hail from,what religion we may be, what color our eyes, hair or skin may be. Rather we are skinny, short, fat, tall, we are just that we are Humans! We where all made with the same insides, we all where designed with the same number of organs, teeth and skin. We all have a brain (rather we choose to use it or not is another story, heaven knows mine is never all mentally there) and we all have a heart that beats loud and proud! Yes we are all different in our own ways but we are HUMAN!
Now when you think Unlimited what is your thought? I think there is no limit to what someone can do. They could be a doctor, an actress, a lawyer, it may take some practice but if you really try you can succeed at anything. Your possibilities are totally limitless. As I am sure you have heard once or twice before "If you can dream it you can do it."
This post has a purpose, I want to introduce you to a company called
Human Unlimited.
This company has such a wonderful message to the world. and they are changing it one person at a time! If you go to their site and read the
about us section, it really makes you stop and think. What am I as a person doing to help better this world? Am I judging someone based on whatever of the infinite reasons I could, or am I dealing with the situation at hand by being a compassionate human. Am I helping to make a better world or am I just living in it. So much of what we see in the world today is negative, and all we do is deal. instead of dealing why don't we grab life by the horns so to speak and actually do something! Help your neighbor, buy the homeless a meal, and do it without expecting anything in return. even if you just bring a smile to someones face! Do it!! But remember to do it without compromising yourself as a person. One of their lines of shirts says, Do no harm, but take no shit! This rings so true!!
Human Unlimited has this Amazing clothing line, with so many different sayings, and I LOVE IT!! All of their shirts come with an amazing message and I love them all. I want to buy them all, and over time I am sure I will! But this one is my favorite!!

Every Saint has a past, Every Sinner has a future. This is a statement I have loved for so long. To me this says NO ONE IS PERFECT!! Plain and simple, not a one of use. We have all made mistakes, I don't care who you are, you are not without sin. It also means that no matter who you are or what background you come from you can change and you can be a better human! No matter what. But rather you choose to is up to you! No one else. I have spent more than my fair share of time trying to change someone for the better. Trying to save them, when finally I realize, the only person I can save is me, and as much as I want to save someone else, I can't. However this does not mean I can judge them. I am far from sainthood, and I am no better than anyone else.
This shirt comes in both men's and women's. Human Unlimited does have a universal size chart, and they have sizes for fluffy people like me! Which is even better! I was worried that they would not have a shirt big enough for me as so many companies don't, but the 3x fits perfect. it is a relaxed fit tagless shirt. I do not know what the fiber is used, but I will tell you rather it be cotton or whatever it is soft. I hate shirts that are stiff and just plain out feel uncomfortable, but HU's shirts are so comfortable. The collar is not tight on my neck, which is great because I cant stand shirts that I feel like I am choking in.

They shipped my shirt fast, and when I opened the box it really brought a smile to my face to see the personalized note inside!
Oh how right they are, today is MY day, and everyday after it. But it can also be your day too. Make it happen!
Human Unlimited you really are changing the world one shirt and one person at a Time!! Thank you so much for making the world a better place!
If you want to keep up on Human Unlimited and all the new things they bring to the world, go follow their
Facebook and
*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned below have been provided by Human Unlimited for the review free of charge.