Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Turn Gram

So quick question... do you live far from a certain family member and you dont always remember to print and send photos to them ? I do! thank God for social media, BUT.... hard copies of photos are still nice to have and frame. 

I am about to drop a truth bomb for you! I have all of your problems solved with this great company called Turn Gram! 
TurnGram is the perfect gift for anyone you care about...from your closest friend to that hard to buy for relative! For a few bucks a month, TurnGram will select photos from your Instagram feed based on instructions you provide and deliver them directly to the door of your friends and loved ones.
30 Days Free of the Most Unique Gift - Get your first month FREE when you sign up for TurnGram today! No coupon code required. 100% money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with our service in any way. Don't miss out! Sign up today!

Anything but Regular

So I am going to get a bit personal here. I am going to discuss poop and bodily functions, and how important it is to have a health gut. So many of you are like me and here raised to think hey as long as you poop once every few days and you don't have diarrhea for to many days in a row its cool right ? Well I am here to tell you how wrong we all are. For the last few years my mom has been pushing probiotics on me and I think to myself why in hell do I need that ?? I can barely remember to take my multi vitamin in the morning. Between cooking breakfast and prepping lunch and just trying to get out the door. Let alone to take probiotics. But having a healthy gut is so important because not only does it effect your bathroom habits, it effects your health, your mood and other bodily functions.

So let me tell you about Regular Girl. This stuff is awesome...First off Regular Girl is a probiotic and a prebiotic (sunfiber). So lets break down what each of those are.
Your body has Trillions of bacteria. The majority of these bacteria are good for you so they are given the name probiotic. Keeping a healthy of balance of these probiotics is important. A healthy gut determines your bathroom habits. No one wants to have explosive number two if it can be prevented right? Some basic everyday things can really mess this up, so we take probiotics to help aid keeping the balance.
Some of these things  are:
              * Diet
              * Travel
              * Medical Therapy
              * Aging ( I have noticed this one has really changed my bathroom habits as the last few years have gone by.
              * Stress (Lord knows when I get to stressing my stomach gets all sorts of out of whack.)
Prebiotics are basically a food for probiotics. It is important to find a prebiotic that does not cause excess gas and bloating or loose stool. The Prebiotic that is used on Regular Girl is called SunFiber. Sun Fiber is a grade A fiber and has a ton of nutritional benefits. In addition to all of these benefits, it is the perfect food for probiotics.

In addition to the 5 grams of SunFiber that is used in Regular Girl, the probiotic that is used has * Billion CFU of Bifidobacterium ( also known as B.Lactis).It works in harmony with the Sunfiber and is extremely resistant to pH and Bile conditions of the gut. B.Lactis is also important to help improve immune functions and protect against inflammation

So When should you take your probiotics. Any Time of the day is ok, but they say they say that you should make a habit of taking it in the morning to get regular. What about is it safe an natural? Regular Girl is totally safe! When taken at the recommended dose, it is perfectly safe!! As far as natural goes, Regular Girl is non GMO, is certified kosher, 100% Gluten Free, vegan and has NO sugars, preservatives and additives.

It is so safe and natural that you can even take it while pregnant and breast feeding. ** As with all supplements please seek the professional opinion of your health care provider before taking** It is even safe for children 9 months and older to take one dose of 6 grams. Awesome! so you can use this probiotic for the whole family!!

Other than the health benefits of Regular girl, it has some other cool ones too! for starters, each serving is just 10 calories. and here is my favorite benefits, No gritty texture and NO TASTE. so my water just tastes like water and it dissolves so well my water looks like water too! I love the on the go packets as well! I keep a few in my purse just in case  I forget to take mine in the morning. I have some with me.
So wanna try some of this awesome stuff for yourself ???Lets get to the giveaway!! I have a 10 day sample of the on the go packets and some literature for Two lucky readers.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just cant wait to win ??

click this link here

and use the code

at check out to get 10% off of your first purchase!

also be sure to subscribe by email to keep an eye out for yummy recipes in future posts!!

*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned above have been provided by Regular Girl for the review and giveaway free of charge.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Essential Oils and jewelry

So this will make for my second Essential oils post in the last week. I have been on this kick of using essential oils lately. Some of you know and for those of you who don't know, I am a hot mess when it comes to problems...I pretty much live in constant pain. Now for the most part my pain is either manageable, or I have just learned to push through it and not whine about it. But that was until I was diagnosed with Pseudotumor Cerebri. This pain sucks.... If you don't know what it is, click here Psuedotumor Cerebri and get educated on it.  I get these killer headaches that make me want to curl up and die. Usually the pain is between my eyes, and it feels like I have an Ice Pick being dug in my head. I can not handle lights and noises. Nothing Helps, no amount of ibuprofen, caffeine, nothing, it all fails. Then someone asked me if I had tried essential oils. First off I had no idea what essential oils where and second off if the prescribed medicine from my neurologist was not working, why would some oil work ?? So of course I was skeptical. But then I got pregnant, and with pregnancy headaches get worse, and I was limited on what I could take medicinal wise.... So desperation kicked in. Thus an obsession was born!

It Started with a scoop of coconut oil, and equal amounts of Lavender, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus Essential Oils and boom.... my headache subsided within fifteen minutes... my eyes have been opened. As time has gone I have dabbled in Essential oils and I have discovered that they help with several physical issues and you can use them around the house too! I was super excited to start using them in my daily life now.

now let me Introduce you to Mtnittany Creations. Her name is Amber and she is really a jack of all trades! She is a blogger and a creator! She even goes out of her way to feature other creators and bloggers!! She has an all around Awesome Etsy, but today I am going to feature her Diffuser Jewelry. She agreed to do a review  on my blog and I have to say I AM IN LOVE with this diffuser bracelet!! 
I love this! I really can't say it enough! Normally I carry my headache blend on me in a roller bottle, but I have found it can get a bit messy when I place it on my wrists. I work in a dry cleaning business, so having oil on my hands just freely wandering about is a no go, and since I don't have a choice in when I get a headache it is really hard to manage my headaches when I am at work.  But a huge thanks to this bracelet, the lava stones traps in the oils and it does not transfer onto my clothes. and the use of the essential oils is as simple as picking up my wrist and taking a wiff!! I chose a silver chain, and I love the two blue turquoise beads on the ends! it really makes for a great piece of jewelry and it is so simple that it goes with literally anything I wear. It is custom to my wrist size, which is great because I have a fat wrist! Mtnittany Creations has diffuser jewelry for both men and women! necklaces and bracelets!! 

Guess what FOLKS!!!! ITS GIVEAWAY TIME!!! 

One lucky winner will win a diffuser bracelet
follow the steps below and good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned above have been provided by MtNittany Creations for the review and giveaway free of charge.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Dadas and Kubs

Good Morning Readers!

Today I am bringing you a review of a few companies. Kub Klub and Dadas Western Baby. Both of this companies are operated by one indivuidual and I must say thank you for bringing both of these wonderful companies our way!
So Kub Klub, this is a subscription box, and each one is filled with hand selected items for your little one. So typically I am the tester, but this time my two year old was the tester. 
When we first got the box he wanted to know what was inside. He carried it around until I pried it from his fingers and opened it! 
So this is what came in January's box and he loved every bit of it! 
From snacks to books and toys in between XJ loved it all! He is very fond of the yum earth snacks! This kid loves gummy anything but these I have to say are his favorite. Organic fruit snacks, Gluten Free, and non GMO. Delicious and kind of Addicting! I will admit I may have helped him test these fruit snacks. 
The very first thing he got into when I did get the box open was the very colorful blocks by begin again toys! He loves these blocks and the different ways he can work with them, I love that they come in an awesome wooden box for neat and easy storage! Begin again toys has a wide variety of toys, and we have already started looking at purchasing for the little mans 3rd birthday! 

The Box also came with a train whistle. Growing up I loved the wooden train whistle that my grandpa had, so when I saw this I was a bit nostalgic.

The box also had a book, Say Zoop, which I got a kick out of! It keeps him interested in in reading and makes you want to keep going! 

The last few items in the box that XJ got to enjoy was COLORS!! A melissa and Doug pad of paper, and Eco Friendly Crayons, by eco kids. They are crayons made of Natural Wax and Color Pigments.  I think my favorite part of these crayons is the lack of paper. Because my son is two, he breaks the crayons, and after I peel back the paper of crayola crayons I just have more of a mess than I need. So this is a huge bonus with me!! On Saturday he went to work with me ( because well no day care on saturday) and he sat like this coloring for close to two hours! this was awesome!! 
So Kub klub is worth the subscription. The prices vary on subscriptions, rather you do month to month or pay upfront for a full year. You get quite a few options. They personalize the box for your little one, you can select the box specifically for a boy or girl or even neutral, you enter the little ones birth date and their name. They personalize every box for your little kub! It also makes a great baby shower gift, or birthday gift! 
Go check out Kub Klub to start your subscription!! 
also follow them on Facebook and Instagram

 The second company I want to introduce you to is Dadas Western Baby It is run by the same folks that bring you Kub Klub! This momma as inspired to create baby bags blankets and other items! She has such an awesome selection ( I know where I am getting my next baby bag at!) They use leather to make the baby bags! I love it! For this part of the review, XJ got to review a binky blanket.
 Since he is a bit old for a binky we call it his buddy blanket. For most of XJ's life he was at home with me and when he did have to go to daycare, I was usually a teacher in the day care. So he was never not far from me. Now while we have him in a day care that is home based, he still has been going ten hours a day without me. Which is strange for both him and I. For any kid this is stressful. Usually attachments are formed to objects. for a while he was bringing his car blanket to and from day care. He really didn't need to bring a full sized throw blanket to and from school because they have blankets he can use for nap time but I didn't have the heart to tell him no. But then we got Buddy and it was an instant connection!
 I love it because it is small enough he can tote it around anywhere, and it is small enough to fit in my purse or in his baby bag. It is soft and silky and so comforting. He totes it everywhere now! He sleeps with it at home, it goes to the store with us! I recommend these blankets and the full Sized ones! One thing I look for when purchasing new blankets for mr man is the quality of the stitching. I have a two year old so I want something that will hold up. The Stitching on Dadas Balnkets is secure and very durable. Such a great product!! the perfect buddy for a tiny little monster. again even though we do not do the binky anymore, the little handle on the corner of it comes in great use. I can attach a hook to it and attach it to the grocery cart, so no issues of losing it! I Highly recommend both of these wonderful companies for your little ones!! 

*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned above have been provided by Kub Klub and Dadas Western Baby for the review free of charge.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What is it to be Human Unlimited

What is your first thought when you think about being human??

Mine is that we are all just that Human. No matter where we hail from,what religion we may be, what color our eyes, hair or skin may be. Rather we are skinny, short, fat, tall, we are just that we are Humans! We where all made with the same insides, we all where designed with the same number of organs, teeth and skin. We all have a brain (rather we choose to use it or not is another story, heaven knows mine is never all mentally there) and we all have a heart that beats loud and proud! Yes we are all different in our own ways but we are HUMAN!

Now when you think Unlimited what is your thought? I think there is no limit to what someone can do. They could be a doctor, an actress, a lawyer, it may take some practice but if you really try you can succeed at anything. Your possibilities are totally limitless. As I am sure you have heard once or twice before "If you can dream it you can do it."

This post has a purpose, I want to introduce you to a company called Human Unlimited.
This company has such a wonderful message to the world. and they are changing it one person at a time! If you go to their site and read the about us section, it really makes you stop and think. What am I as a person doing to help better this world? Am I judging someone based on whatever of the infinite reasons I could, or am I dealing with the situation at hand by being a compassionate human. Am I helping to make a better world or am I just living in it. So much of what we see in the world today is negative, and all we do is deal. instead of dealing why don't we grab life by the horns so to speak and actually do something! Help your neighbor, buy the homeless a meal, and do it without expecting anything in return. even if you just bring a smile to someones face!  Do it!! But remember to do it without compromising yourself as a person. One of their lines of shirts says, Do no harm, but take no shit! This rings so true!!

Human Unlimited has this Amazing clothing line, with so many different sayings, and I LOVE IT!! All of their shirts come with an amazing message and I love them all. I want to buy them all, and over time I am sure I will! But this one is my favorite!!
Every Saint has a past, Every Sinner has a future. This is a statement I have loved for so long. To me this says NO ONE IS PERFECT!! Plain and simple, not a one of use. We have all made mistakes, I don't care who you are, you are not without sin. It also means that no matter who you are or what background you come from you can change and you can be a better human! No matter what. But rather you choose to is up to you! No one else. I have spent more than my fair share of time trying to change someone for the better. Trying to save them, when finally I realize, the only person I can save is me, and as much as I want to save someone else, I can't. However this does not mean I can judge them. I am far from sainthood, and I am no better                                                                     than anyone else.

This shirt comes in both men's and women's. Human Unlimited does have a universal size chart, and they have sizes for fluffy people like me! Which is even better! I was worried that they would not have a shirt big enough for me as so many companies don't, but the 3x fits perfect. it is a relaxed fit  tagless shirt. I do not know what the fiber is used, but I will tell you rather it be cotton or whatever it is soft. I hate shirts that are stiff and just plain out feel uncomfortable, but HU's shirts are so comfortable. The collar is not tight on my neck, which is great because I cant stand shirts that I feel like I am choking in.

They shipped my shirt fast, and when I opened the box  it really brought a smile to my face to see the personalized note inside!

Oh how right they are, today is MY day, and everyday after it. But it can also be your day too. Make it happen!

Human Unlimited you really are changing the world one shirt and one person at a Time!! Thank you so much for making the world a better place!

If you want to keep up on Human Unlimited and all the new things they bring to the world, go follow their Facebook and Instagram

*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned below have been provided by Human Unlimited for the review free of charge.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Herbal Essences Bio Renew

So I got a new Vox Box and I need to tell you about it!

Herbal Essences Bio Renew! First off it Smells AMAZING!!! 
Thanks to Influenster and the amazing Vox Boxes that they send me I got to sample not one but two full size products this time! Cucumber and Green Tea Shampoo and Foaming Conditioner.... Yes I Said FOAMING! Being brutally honest I am not sure if foaming conditioner is a new thing, or if I am just really late to this party, but it is incredible!oh also you can use the foaming conditioner in the shower.... 

What ?? Shut the front door, Foaming Conditioner in the shower! awesome. Ok maybe it is just me and the fact that I like new things like this. I will admit if you use the foaming conditioner, don't attempt it in a small confined shower like mine, where no matter where you move or how you adjust the shower head you will still get water on you. best used for larger showers! I slightly felt as though I was suddenly a contortionist trying to keep the water off of my head as I worked the foam into my long obnoxious hair! So I hate conditioners that make my hair feel heavy or anything that weighs it down. My hair already lacks any volume, and is flat as flat gets. I cant even begin to tell you the struggle I have had my entire life with trying to get it to curl. It will curl for a whole three seconds and then starts to flatten out again, no matter what amount of hair spray or teasing you do to it....give it 2 hours and it will be flat. 

Also how about the Shampoo. It leaves my hair smelling amazing and so clean and it goes such a long way!! 

anyhow here is the end result when my hair was dried and "styled"
My hair felt so Feathery I guess you could say and god was it soft! I have to say if you are in the market for a new shampoo I would recommend Herbal Essences Bio Renew!
check out the ingredients here
also if you want to get your own vox boxs going click the link below and join!!! free stuff never hurt anyone!

*This was not a paid post. My honest opinions were used, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.The products mentioned below have been provided by Herbal Essences and Influenster for the review free of charge.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Getting Lost in a Good Book

Good Morning Readers! 

This one is for all of you who like a good book! So I have been on a reading kick lately and I am swimming in a specific book series! I found the first one on Book Bub for FREE! No strings attached. So this site is great, it features thousands of books, for free or at a discounted cost! I use it all the time! 

So for me it is very hard to get settled into and finish a book, let alone four of them in a week. with working, blogging, having a family that keeps me sooo busy. but these books are so captivating! I just could not put it down!

The writer is Denise Grover Swank! Now if you have read her books you know what I am talking about! She was born in Kansas City, Missouri and she is a New York Times and USA Today Best selling Author. She has nine different series of books! she is a talented and skilled writer. she keeps you on your toes and you can really visualize her words. 

So the book that I found on Book Bub is called The Substitute
This book is the first of three main books and one extra book. In this you will be introduced to Drama, Romance ( lots of it!) insanity and lots of laughs! Megan Vandemeer is dealt a rough hand to start but she takes it and rolls with it. Her and her two best friends from childhood, Blair and Libby make a pact to be married by thirty, but when a fortune teller curses their pact they do not take it to heart. Until it starts to happen!  

Book number two in this series is The Player

This is Blair's story! This one really gets in deep and gives you more insight to the wedding pact Trio. I loved this one because I really loved "watching" ( when i said you really visualize these characters I am not kidding)  Blair transform and grow! 

Book Number three is The Gambler

This is Libby's Story! This story will do just as the two prior did, it will keep you guessing and leave you wanting more. Libby has just watched the curse come true for her two friends, she feels a deadline approaching as she nears her thirtieth birthday! 
The fourth book of the Wedding Pact Series is The Valentine. These three books really do a lot of crossing over and referencing to one another, Denise Grover Swank wrote an fourth book to really tie it all in and give you a bit more closure to the girls and their stories! 

The story for this friend Trio does not end here though! Currently I am now finding myself deep in the Bachelor Brotherhood! It starts with Kevin Vandemeer and his two childhood friends Matt and Tyler! With Appearances from Megan, Knickers, Everyone's Favorite Grandma, as well as Blair and Libby. After Kevin, Tyler and Matt all promise To take a hiatus from women, the bachelor brotherhood is created.

After only a few days I am on Chapter 27 of 37. It has kept me just as hooked as the wedding pact and is just as thrilling! I Cant say much for the second books of the Bachelor Brotherhood, but If they are anything like Only You and The Wedding Pact, I am sure they are worth it! I will come back and update them as I finish each Book!

Book one is Only You  
This is Kevin's Story. Megan lands Kevin in a mess of a home, right next door to cousins Holly and Melanie. Serendipity really takes control of Kevin Vandemeer the way it swept up his sister Megan and her three friends!
Book Two is Until You 
This is Tyler's Story

Book Three is Always You
This is Matt's Story

So if you like Romance, Laughs and a book series that will keep you coming back I really recommend checking out Denise Grover Swank and The Wedding Pact!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Get Air!!!

Happy 2018 Readers! Welcome into the new year, a new you, a new me a new 365 days to make the world a better place! This is the time of yer where we make resolutions and we all want to better ourselves. Some of us do and some of us don't. 

This year I don't care if I lose 100 pounds, or if i vow to save more money. Both of those things would be great by my real goal this year is to spend more time with my loved ones and less time worrying.
Last year and the last few prior years has brought nothing but worry and stress, and while I know every tomorrow holds uncertainty, but I want to take all of my worry and make it something positive! 

So this year our family started it out with an awesome memory. For Christmas my mom bought us gift certificates for Get Air in Yakima,Washington. 

So on January 1st me and D2 brought our kiddos to Get Air to spend a bit there. we spent a little over an hour and we had a blast!!

The kids had a blast and where well exhausted when we left! D2 sat back and didnt want to jump, while I put on some jump socks and got in the mess with the kids. I found out that I am not anywhere near in shape, and trying to fight off a cold while I jump is a feat. I had so much fun with the kids. Chasing Xman around and the girls enjoyed themselves too!  

Get air has multiple areas for kids of all ages. They have a mini kids jump area, foam pits, a ladder area, a walk the rope activity, and some basketball and dodge ball! Tons of fun for everyone! They are very affordable and worth it!
to find a park near you!