Monday, January 8, 2018

Getting Lost in a Good Book

Good Morning Readers! 

This one is for all of you who like a good book! So I have been on a reading kick lately and I am swimming in a specific book series! I found the first one on Book Bub for FREE! No strings attached. So this site is great, it features thousands of books, for free or at a discounted cost! I use it all the time! 

So for me it is very hard to get settled into and finish a book, let alone four of them in a week. with working, blogging, having a family that keeps me sooo busy. but these books are so captivating! I just could not put it down!

The writer is Denise Grover Swank! Now if you have read her books you know what I am talking about! She was born in Kansas City, Missouri and she is a New York Times and USA Today Best selling Author. She has nine different series of books! she is a talented and skilled writer. she keeps you on your toes and you can really visualize her words. 

So the book that I found on Book Bub is called The Substitute
This book is the first of three main books and one extra book. In this you will be introduced to Drama, Romance ( lots of it!) insanity and lots of laughs! Megan Vandemeer is dealt a rough hand to start but she takes it and rolls with it. Her and her two best friends from childhood, Blair and Libby make a pact to be married by thirty, but when a fortune teller curses their pact they do not take it to heart. Until it starts to happen!  

Book number two in this series is The Player

This is Blair's story! This one really gets in deep and gives you more insight to the wedding pact Trio. I loved this one because I really loved "watching" ( when i said you really visualize these characters I am not kidding)  Blair transform and grow! 

Book Number three is The Gambler

This is Libby's Story! This story will do just as the two prior did, it will keep you guessing and leave you wanting more. Libby has just watched the curse come true for her two friends, she feels a deadline approaching as she nears her thirtieth birthday! 
The fourth book of the Wedding Pact Series is The Valentine. These three books really do a lot of crossing over and referencing to one another, Denise Grover Swank wrote an fourth book to really tie it all in and give you a bit more closure to the girls and their stories! 

The story for this friend Trio does not end here though! Currently I am now finding myself deep in the Bachelor Brotherhood! It starts with Kevin Vandemeer and his two childhood friends Matt and Tyler! With Appearances from Megan, Knickers, Everyone's Favorite Grandma, as well as Blair and Libby. After Kevin, Tyler and Matt all promise To take a hiatus from women, the bachelor brotherhood is created.

After only a few days I am on Chapter 27 of 37. It has kept me just as hooked as the wedding pact and is just as thrilling! I Cant say much for the second books of the Bachelor Brotherhood, but If they are anything like Only You and The Wedding Pact, I am sure they are worth it! I will come back and update them as I finish each Book!

Book one is Only You  
This is Kevin's Story. Megan lands Kevin in a mess of a home, right next door to cousins Holly and Melanie. Serendipity really takes control of Kevin Vandemeer the way it swept up his sister Megan and her three friends!
Book Two is Until You 
This is Tyler's Story

Book Three is Always You
This is Matt's Story

So if you like Romance, Laughs and a book series that will keep you coming back I really recommend checking out Denise Grover Swank and The Wedding Pact!

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