As many of you know I am obsessed with essential oils! Recently I came across this little company company called Herb Stop based in Pine, Arizona! Yes a company based in my home state, I was super excited by that fact alone! Then they won my heart by having a
monthly subscription of essential oils! SWEET!!!! The Aroma Box consists of 4 different oils, three regular oils and one roll on oil! Each month brings you something new and along with each box you receive a pamphlet explaining each oils origin, what part of the plant was used, hw it was extracted and rather or not it has a food chemical codex! It also includes their price for a full size bottle is and what the size of the full size bottle is! It also includes an aromatherapy tip for each oil, and two different tips from Leilah and Natalie on each oil!
a little bit about Leilah and Natalie
Leilah is a swiss pharma assistant and a master herbalist! She founded Herb Stop in 1992 and in 2002 Natalie another master herbalist joined Leilah. Together they both have worked hard to create a superior line of over 2500 herbal products! They insist that all of their ingredients come from reliable and ethical sources! Together they have received numerous awards and recognition for their hard work. They also work so hard to donate and give back to the community of Pine, and the surrounding communities! Giving back and making donations to PETA, PAWS, the Pine Strawberry Fire Dept. and many others! If you want to read all about Herb Stop and Leilah and Natalie
click here!
Now down to the oils that I received in "The Beauty" Aroma Box
I received Lemon Essential oil
Oakmoss Essential oil
Rose Geranium Essential oil
The Beauty Roll on

I will start with the lemon essential oil
So lemon is pretty much a must in any essential oil kit! if you go and look on pinterest I am willing to bet right away you will find at least 5 essential oil recipes that you need lemon for! I love the lemon smell! I use it when I make sanitizing spray. In my air freshner spray, in my diffuser every where! Lemon has a ton of uses but one of its huge uses is to help ditch Cellulite! oh yes, I use it on my legs all the time! You can make a shower scrub with it by mixing it with a carrier oil and some coffee grounds!
All Purpose Cleaner
2 drops of lemon
3 drops of tea tree oil
a mixture of vinegar and water
put into a spray bottle and spray on counter tops to disinfectant!
OakMoss in Organic Golden Jojoba Oil

So this one was a new one to me! I was not aware you could take moss and make an oil of it! But man does it smell good! it has a really musky scent to it, not in a bad way! it can be very intoxicating. This is something that would be used in a perfume, it can be very powerful though so if you plan on diffusing it start with only one drop! A little goes such a long way! This is rich in antiseptic properties can also help relieve symptoms of an asthma attack and coughs.
Oakmoss & Grapefruit Beard oil - I made some up for my husband and he loves it
Argan Oil
2 drops of OakMoss
5 drops of grapefruit
Mix together and apply in beard to maintain Skin and Beard Hair health and help maintain beard hair as a styling agent!
Rose Geranium

This one has such a sexy scent. its light and floral rose geranium has several uses itself! it can be used for dry and oily skin, broken capillaries and it has a balancing effect on emotions. Great for women during that time! Lord knows my mood swings could use some help! If you plan on diffusing this you can use it by itself or with others such as sandlewood!
Tick Repellent - with camping season in full swing this is great!
4 Tbsp of Almond Oil
2 Tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
30 Drops Rose Geranium
Dab it on the nape of your neck, behind your ears, behind your knees and around your belly button. you can also spray it on your clothes and this is safe for use on your dogs too!
The Beauty Roll on

This is for those looking to accept more beauty into their lives, and hey who can't use just a little more beauty right ? The carefuly selected oils in this blend are known to be uplifting and titillating with its unique sweet and mysterious scents. Use this roll on when getting ready for date night or just when looking to expand the beauty in your life! So I do have to warn with this, use sparingly! It can be overpowering if you use to much! But it does have a calming scent to it!
So with this I really have to say that Herb Stop's Aroma Box has won my heart! It is a ow 24.95 a month and if you know anything about Essential Oils, this is a steal! So what are you waiting for! Go order June's Box now!
*This Aroma Box was Provided by Herb Stop free of charge in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinions. I was not compensated money wise for this review! **