So over the last few weeks My kids and myself have had the pleasure of testing out
Fizzy Magic Bath Bombs. As a lot of you know I am always looking for products that are friendly for the skin, especially when it comes to kids products. Our small child has eczema so we always have to be so careful with what put in his bath! Anyhow this company is awesome, they make bath bombs for the kiddos in your life with a surprise in them! Hand Made right here in the USA with pure and safe
ingredients. These bath bombs are safe for your little ones and the environment!
So how did Fizzy Magic come to be? When Mary's son asked a cashier a question, she was intrigued and just two words "Why not?" started it all. Since then she has found that Parents want clean and safe ingredients for their kids. This means nothing that could possible irritate their skin or harm their kiddos. She also found that when we give our kids baths we tend to only spend a few minutes with them. heaven knows when I put my son in the bath, I want to get him in, bathed and out. So why not make the most of those minutes? Lastly she found that bath time usually comes right before bed, so why not create a product with calming properties ?? Fizzy magic has
Five Pillars.

So onto the products they offer, my thoughts on them and how you can get them for yourself! They have a one time purchase option or you can join the tub club! The
Tub Club is a service subscription. One a month you will get these awesome bath bombs delivered right to your door!
So here is what our thoughts are on these bath bombs! I was the first to try one, I mean how can I do a review without trying it myself. So i grabbed a purple and white bath bomb, I drew up a hot bath and dropped it in. Right away I could smell the lavender, and it was intoxicating. The fizz was pretty neat too! I was quite impressed.

When his bath time came around he liked the orange one. He dropped it in the water and squealed with excitement and just could not stop talking about the Bubbles! He loved the surprise inside. He is two so outside of his excitement for the bubbles and the toy he could not tell me much else. So I had the medium and tall child give them a spin for me. The medium child was super excited that there was a pink one, she was most interested in the toy, and the tall child grabbed the blue one. she liked the bath bomb overall, said that it smelled more like fruit punch, but I supposed that is on par for tropical! She gave the toy to her little brother, but she is 13, so I see why she has no interest in the toy. She did say she likes the way the bath bomb left her skin feeling like silk!
Overall these where a huge hit with my kiddos, especially the smallest human, and I love them because we can use them on him and it doesn't freak his skin out!
Pleas keep in mind these bath bombs are not aimed for older kids and adults. They are aimed for ages 4 to 9.
So now that you have made the most of bath time, whats next ?? There are free stories for bedtime on the site as well! So what are you waiting for go join the tub club and get the magic started!
** These thoughts and opinions expressed above are that of my own and my children, we where not paid or coerced in anyway. Fizzy Magic did provide us with the bath bombs free of charge to facilitate this review! We always encourage the readers to check out and purchase the product so that they can develop their own opinions! **