However now that I am a mom I put the safety of my children above all else. So when I am blogging I try to follow some basic rules..
- I do not use my childrens names, instead I use nicknames.
- I do not divulge where my children go to school.
- I do my best to remember to not use the name of the town we live in.
- I do not post photos of my children in their bathing suits, in fact if my children are wearing anything less than shorts and a t shirt I do not post a photo.... period...
Rule number four is a huge one for me.... It is actually the reason I felt the need to make this post.
So today you see parents out there who want to make facebooks and IG's for their kiddos.... well ok whatever floats your boat... I understand if you wanna make them private so you can keep the family (especially the long distance family ) up to date on your kiddo and all the new and exciting things that are going on in their lives! Cool, but make em private.... the world should not have access to their pictures....the world is full of weirdos.... even if you know them.....
So what brings me to this PSA.... Last week I had this mom, who has a three year old model. and she had gone and created an Instagram to get her pictures out there. Now look I know getting into the modeling gig is rough. I know your kid is adorable and I think some part of this mom wants her three year old to be a viral internet sensation.... whatever floats your boat.... anyhow in the bio she puts, that her daughter is a three year old model, that the account is run by mom, and in big bold letters she puts NO CREEPS AND WEIRDOS...
hold up right there..... so you are telling me you have a public profile on IG of your three year old in her bathing suit and you put up no creeps or weirdos.... since when does saying no creeps and weirdos stop creeps and weirdos..... my Bio says I am a wifey, yet that does not stop the people impersonating Graham Allen from emailing and telling me how beautiful they think I am and how I could have an amazing life if I would marry them.
So let me tell you my biggest issue of this, I get this gal just wants to make her gorgeous daughter famous at three but at least be a bit more discreet... first off make the profile private... you do not need to be exploiting her, she is three..... give her some time to be a kid... second off BEWARE of who you do allow to see the IG.... SERIOUSLY..... people even people you know in real life can be creeps..... just because you say no creeps it is not going to keep the creeps away!
I am going to share a news story with you, this is my biggest reason for being discreet. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO MY KIDS. I did not know the gal in this story but man caught stealing her photos of her child. This was someone she went to high school with. Someone she knew and trusted. The reason I am sharing this specific new article is because I unfortunately have crossed paths with this disgusting human, of course this was before I was a parent, but none the less when his face flashed across my TV it shook me to the core. Click Here to read the news story
So folks please think twice when you are sharing stuff about your life on social media. The world is scary enough, and social media never helps....
ok Rant over!
My sister just got a set of these for her kids .they love them. I really think I am going to get a set.