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Day 9, Share a childhood memory.
hmmm there are a lot of them. so I want to share a few. all of them with my parents. In this life I have been blessed with My Grandparents (my moms parents are like my own) My mom, dad and step dad. Each one I share a special bond with.

My mom and step dad. they met when I was 7 or 8. possibly 9 but I am not totally sure. They married when I was 11. My fondest memory of both of them from when I was a kid where the frequent trips to Sedona, The Grand Canyon, Camping and trips to the river. It seemed like we where doing one of those trips every weekend. We probably where. My mom and step dad instilled this sense of adventure in me. I still love it. I especially love sharing it with my kids. I am still making these kind of memories with my mom. Like when we went to find snow in January 2015 and she found out I was pregnant. It was not the way I wanted to tell her but it sure was memorable! Unfortunately my step dad has since passed on but without him I would not know how to fish or roll a sleeping bag for that matter. So now those things he taught me as a kid I will take and pass down to my kids.

Next my dad. My mom and him split when I was 4. Its okay though I think they are much better not together. My sister and I would spend the weekends with him. We went to the movies at the dollar theaters, the local swap meet ( I was pretty bummed when they closed it down in my teen years ) and McDonalds. We still make a lot of memories ( I see him at least once a year, rather he comes here to Idaho or I go to Arizona). But these memories are the ones I hold dearest to my heart.

My Grandparents. They are a godsend. they have given me so many memories. From decorating cookies with my grandma to my first baseball game with my grandpa. They took us camping when we where kids ( actually I think they where the first to take me camping). My fondest with them are the motorcycle rides! My sister and I grew up on Motorcycles because my grandparents rode. They are the reason I have the love for them that I do today. We went on Toy Runs with them and Monthly Breakfasts with their club. These memories with them are so vivid. We went on these rides and breakfasts until I was in my early teens. I miss the rides with them so much. I am so blessed to still have my grandparents in my life today.
these are my memories, I hope you enjoyed!
It sounds like you have an amazing childhood, I remember going on trips like that all the time too. Lovely family photos! You can see the love in each of them.